"Maude..I love you!" - "Oh, Harold... That's *wonderful*. Now: Go and love some more."

"Maude..I love you!" - "Oh, Harold... That's *wonderful*. Now: Go and love some more."

"As long as there's no price on Love, I'll stay. And you wouldn't want me any other way."

Photo of Martina by Ignazio Nano - all rights reserved

Sunday 26 June 2011

* This one is SPECIAL.

Ooooh this was a little too much to take, i must admit.

My granpa's letters keep popping out from forgotten drawers and i keep scanning them, to send them to my family, as a memory of that wonderful crazy man he was.
But this one somehow is special and it brought me down on my knees big time.
Biggest laugh through tears i had in a long time, thank you Granpa.
I'll come by the Nelson statue soon.
And you'll be happy to know i have voted against Berlusconi too. I didn't even have to leave the house, cause in England you can vote by post.
I can hear you ranting against Berlusconi for hours, i find it quite awesome that you would find the strength to lift your ass from bed to vote against him. Cause that's important.

I love you so much.

"Dearest Martina,

I have lost your address and so do you know what i am going to do? I make an appointment with you in front of the statue of Nelson, let's say tomorrow at midday. . .
I am joking, in front of Nelson you would only find my soul and so much love for my dear niece, who i miss dearly, i confess.

I immagine you working hard, walking around seeing things, making a career out of what you love.
Great. You will tell me everything when i see you in Rome, soon I hope.

Here life goes on through its inevitable paths, for me at least: 'Sedentary man' is my job title, but also because of some unwanted and maybe undeserved lack of health.
Tomorrow we go to vote, and it is already a great motive to leave the house. To swindle Berlusconi is something that doesn't happen everyday! Although in Italy a polling station is never out of hand, if you want to tell people you really don't like them.

As for our more modest things, what can i say to you that you don't already know?
The granma is at the hospital where she has had an operation only yesterday at her legs' arteries: they were slightly obstructed and therefore she was struggling to walk normally. The operation went well and hopefully within two/three days she will be dismissed.

A big kiss to you. I hug you tight, hoping that once in a while you have a loving thought for this granpa who is far away and a little annoying too.

Guido Senior.

Rome, May 27th 2006"